Exit Interviews

From the beginnings of our childhood through our work careers, we are taught not to "burn our bridges" under any circumstances. Most departing employees say they are leaving "to spend more time with the family" or "I loved working for my manager" or "sure, I was happy with my job responsibilities" solely because there is no upside for them in providing a truly accurate picture of their feelings.. In some cases, personal issues or fear of being judged by the person doing the interview may prevent the departing employees from providing full disclose on workplace issues. Conversely, some disgruntled exiting employees may provide erroneous responses in order to "get revenge." Either way, getting accurate information is critical in order to make the best decisions about how to improve the performance of the organization.

So how can organizations get the real reasons why their top talent is leaving when the top talent doesn't want to burn their bridges? When a former employee talks about their relationship with their manager, their work responsibilities, compensation, work/life balance, or any other topic that may shed light on ways to improve the employee experience, their emotions make it clear which area(s) was the real reason they are leaving. With this information, the human resources department and management can create highly-specific programs to address the root causes of unwanted turnover specific to each organization. Our solutions do not accept burning bridges as an inevitable fact of human nature and we do not simply rely on the spoken words themselves for insight, but rather go directly to the emotions that a person feels when discussing a particular topic.

Our Exit Interview solutions are the only ones on the market that measure the emotion and emotional intensity in the voice of departing employees. Simply put, the more strongly (positive or negatively) a departing employee feels about areas that affected their work experience, the more emotion they experience when they respond to the exit interview questions. Our technology consistently and objectively measures these changes in emotion and emotional intensity and provides powerful, simple-to-use reports to help you make better decisions. Importantly, our technology calibrates on voice changes within each individual so it does not matter if some people tend to be more nervous or excited than others.

Since our exit interview topics and question sets are customizable, you can create the exact surveys that fit your organizations needs. Some examples include: work responsibilities; compensation; work/life balance; growth opportunities; people issues; policies / procedures; stress in the workplace; and any other topics that may be contributing to lower performance or unwanted turnover. In addition, departing employees can also take surveys without an interviewer, allowing them to be more free and open with feedback and reducing the demands on an already strained HR team.


Customizable Questions Ask questions regarding potential areas of low satisfaction such as: work responsibilities; compensation, work/life balance; opportunities; people issues; policies / procedures; and any other topics that may be contributing to unwanted turnover.
Instant Results When an organization experiences even a small amount of unwanted turnover or is faced with critical personnel decisions, they need to find out the reasons why in a hurry. The results of the Exit Interviews are available immediately following the interview.
Self-Administered by departing employees Save your valuable time by getting better information, while letting technology and your former employees do the work. The Exit Interviews could also be readministered after 6 months to see if the information changes or assess if the former employee desires to come back to your organization. Perfect for industries or organizations with high turnover.
Automated Assessments Administer Exit Interviews onsite in a controlled environment or have the convenience of departing employees calling-in from any telephone. Consistency of results is exactly the same in either format.
Patented Voice Technology Objectively measure emotions associated with responses to Exit Interview topics and questions which provide more accurate and valuable information than ever before.
Scalability Administer as many simultaneous assessments 24/7 around the world as you would like. Our solutions can grow quickly and easily along with your organization.
Global Design Exit Interviews work with any language which allows your former employees from around the world to speak in the language they are most comfortable with.